
Tutorials on Product management -by Arpi Narula


We all have always enjoyed reading books as a student right  but somehow It all stops once we start working or get busy with our routines, work and family. Recently in the past 1 year, I have taken reading more seriously and have started reading books related to my work /interests and have seen the extreme benefits of it. Hence , today, instead of adding a post on anything product related I wanted to add this important topic that we generally miss – READING. I’ll like to start with the benefits because that is what I want to know when I start any activity and hope it helps you too. So let’s go ahead-

What benefits I experienced with continuous reading – 

  1. More information on any particular subject
  2. More confident with discussion / possible solutions
  3. Mostly know the right way as have read it
  4. Clarity on topics
  5. Ask the right queries to have more clarity based on understanding
  6. As they say you become smarter as you learn more – it’s similar to when you start to excercise   🙂

How I read and how I make it a habit-

  1. I buy/rent/download books/e books on the topics that are of interest to me.
  2. I make it a habit to read half a chapter , some pages (even 2-3) almost daily.
  3. If I skip some days  – It’s ok – I just try to bring myself back to it – No blaming yourself 🙂

So, what are you waiting for – Let’s start reading and send me a message /comment down if you have more thoughts on this 🙂 

Until next time –


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About Me

Hi, I am Arpi Narula. I am an experienced professional with over 13+ years experience which includes Product management,Quality management, execution and delivery of software products and projects. I am a continuous learner and with this site I intend to share some insights to help you grow and become wiser individuals in the product arena. Please head over to the About section to learn more about me. Hope you enjoy the articles. Product Management is a wide domain and it’s great you are learning.


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